Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wushu Master real fight to the death in 1950s

No disrespect, but I just cannot see any mastery of wushu in their movement, this fight clearly does not seem like wushu masters. Perhaps their energy level are beyond that of lay men.
This duel was an agreement between a taichi master and a crane kungfu school in Hong kong. They signed a death match to be held in Macau, due to Hong Kong's government's disagreement with the duel; which had the entire town talking. Bets were placed on both sides and even local triads were eager in the result of the match.
When the day of the duel came, thousands turned up to see the fight. When the fight commenced, it was exhilirating indeed, the crowds cheering, shouting, yet, the fight turned out as it is in the video. Many blows were swapped and both side kept their grounds.....until the fight was stopped. It was decided that both sides were equally masterful and there is no need to shed blood. The fight resulted in a draw

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