Saturday, July 31, 2010


Do you ever wonder if stories and legend of unbelievable feats done by human are true or not. Can a mastery of martial art really allow it's practitioner to jump from ground to rooftops in a mere swift second. Does a ninja really posses all those supernatural qualities and superhuman abilities?
Tell you one thing though, to be able to do anything extraordinary, you have to start from basics. The basics of all jumps and gaining heights to your leaps are basic leg power. That is developing the strength of your thighs and calf muscle to get that power to drive the force to the ground which enables your body to lift up. The stronger these muscles are, the higher you will get. Also the additional importance of ankle strengthening is required to sustain such power and usage. Believe you me, squats is the fundamental of all martial art, strong base - powerful stances, powerful leg movements, and especially high jumps.

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