Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wushu Kicks

The leg and feet is another part of the body; beside the arms and hands which is extensively used in martial art.
Kicks in wushu is much more acrobatic than other martial arts, as wushu-chinese martial art is said to be the basis of all martial art. Kicks are fast and explosive, developing perfect balance of timing and power with accuracy.
The importance of explosive power/energy in wushu cannot be emphasised enough, speed and power is the key to good executions of techniques.

Kicks should come up fast and back down as equally fast, light but powerful. When you see a wushu athlete kick, it is as natural as extending an arm above their heads; kicks that are executed so perfectly, knee straight, feet above head height with the right amount of energy.

Train kicks and explosive power by repetitive kicking:
Kick 100 times a day for first day
Continue to kick 150-200 kicks for the second day
Continue working until you reach 500 kicks a day for each leg.

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